Saturday, February 25, 2012
It brings back cherished memories. The photographs alone are worth owning the book.
"Old Destin Through the Eyes of Child," Capt. Ben Marler's first book, set the standard so high, I was truly amazed at the next huge leap in his second book, "4 O'clock in the Morning." The daily devotions are so well organized and thought out. It was difficult for me to put the book down. The photographs alone are worth owning the book. If you enjoy history, particularly the history of old Florida, you can't help but be delighted! It brings back cherished memories. It's rare to find a book about fishing and the fisherman's life written in such an outstanding way. If I had only one word to describe this book it would be awesome. I cherish it! Well done, Capt. Ben! And thank you for the recipes! Jacquelyne K. Aparicio, NC
Friday, February 24, 2012
WHERE TO BUY 4 o'clock in the morning, by Capt. Ben Marler
Capt. Ben Marler’s new book, “4 o’clock in the morning”, is available in Destin at LifeWay Christian Bookstore near Publix, 4417 Commons Drive, the Destin History & Fishing Museum on Stahlman Avenue and the UPS Store near Winn Dixie.
In Fort Walton Beach, visit the Gospel Lighthouse Book Store, 62 North Beal Parkway and Mary’s Kitchen in Uptown Station.
The cost is $18. Captains, crewmembers and pastors may purchase for $10.
Capt. Ben Marler’s new book, “4 o’clock in the morning”, is available in Destin at LifeWay Christian Bookstore near Publix, 4417 Commons Drive, the Destin History & Fishing Museum on Stahlman Avenue and the UPS Store near Winn Dixie.
In Fort Walton Beach, visit the Gospel Lighthouse Book Store, 62 North Beal Parkway and Mary’s Kitchen in Uptown Station.
The cost is $18. Captains, crewmembers and pastors may purchase for $10.
GONE FISHIN', Pam Griffin, The Destin

For more than 35 years, Capt. Ben Marler fished for the big ones in the gulf. He taught more than half a million people to fish during his famous morning fishing lesson.
But Marler was, and still is, mainly a fisher of men.
“The fishing lessons were taught how to safely fish on our vessels,” he told The Log. “But it was also to draw folks to an understanding of just how much God loves us. Like how He created the fish for us and gave us authority over them, like the birds, animals and all crawling creatures. They have predictable habits and we have intelligence.
“And none of us need luck when we are doing it God’s way. The fish would be lucky to be somewhere else when we fish for them. The pictures in the book reveal how much authority we had on really huge fish.”
That book, “4 o'clock in the morning”, is Marler’s second, following his popular “Old Destin Through the Eyes of a Child”.
It was at 4 a.m. that Marler began his day while a boat captain, first reading 10 chapters in his Bible and then going to St. Andrews By-the-Sea Episcopal Church to visit with God.
“Upon reaching the altar I sometimes could hear the hitchhikers slip out into the pre-dawn darkness,” Marler said in his book. “Either they didn’t like my singing or the presence of the Lord that came as I sang was a bit too much for them.”
Since he no longer has a fishing business, Marler now sleeps in until 5 a.m., then spends time with the Lord and reads his Bible.
“Doing it, He grants me more and more faith,” he said. “Our faith is like the gas in our tanks, we use it up. If you notice when driving uphill the engine works harder and uses more fuel. As we approach the end time, I’ve discovered it’s all up hill now.
“I’m 73 and reading the Bible keeps me aimed toward the light. I meet people daily who love the Lord, but lack His joy. I’m so confident that this book will lead people to become born again Christians that I’m willing to take them to lunch somewhere if it doesn’t. Perhaps they can tell me why they can’t accept God’s awesome free gift then.”
Marler describes his latest book as a “handbook for happiness in all areas of life.”
With 366 entries of various lengths, Marler wrote these messages from July through December 2011. Entries contain devotions for active Christians and current and past events in his life, mainly as an evangelist businessman and boat captain.
Marler also includes recipes, his own recipe for frying fish, “it’s not difficult if you keep it simple”, some used by his wife, Joan, when she cooked twice a month for the Destin Ministerial Association and other groups, and a fisherman’s breakfast from the 1960s.
“One of the best parts in the book is the 16 marital tips within the pages,” Marler said. “Joan and I have been married 53 years, 54 in June. These are common sense suggestions that can bring husbands and wives closer together helping their marriage.”
Marler will show you how and why he lives an exciting life, sharing Jesus with everyone he meets. The secret, he says, is everything we do is for Him — even our next breath is a gift.
“Those who love Jesus and desire to serve Him will find the book to do at least three things for them,” Marler said. “It will inspire, instruct and educate. Few Christians seem to have a clue as to what the Lord expects from us.”
“4 o’clock in the morning” is a how to book — how to find he Lord and be a fisher of men.
“The Lord wants us all to be fishermen for Him,” Marler said. “Every lost person is precious to God and the world is full of them, just like the sea if full of uncaught fish. I know anyone who uses the book prayerfully, along with their Bibles, will have a huge reward on Judgment Day. Their gift to Jesus will be super-sized.
“I can look back and honestly say the best part of my life each day was when I shared Jesus.”
The book is also available at and
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
UPS STORE carries 4 o'clock in the morning, the Book

(DESTIN, February 19, 2012) The UPS Store in Destin, near Winn Dixie is "at the moment" the exclusive seller of Capt. Ben Marler's latest book, "4 o'clock in the morning In a Sleepy Fishing Village Called Destin." The 484 page Christian devotional contains over 100 photos of Destin-- historical, current, and archetypal fishing photos (even some from underwater in Hurricane Opal), and narrative to help explain some of the spiritual aspects of Destin, Florida, and what it was like to be the wife and daughters of Capt. Ben and Joan Marler. An OREO (tm) marriage quiz, 16 daily Marital tips, and actual fellowship recipes from the 1970s, including Fried Fish, the "Ben Marler way" and "Aunt Willie Mae's Florida Hushpuppies." These and a tall glass of Ben's "Very Sweet Iced Tea" will make your mouth water, and might just encourage a revival of home ministry. Capt. Ben hopes that all the boat captains will purchase the tell-all, how-to book with proprietory secrets from his family's fishing business from which he retired in 1999. Billed "Like Instant Coffee for the Christian Soulwinner" the book promises it "will change your life, no matter your age." A follow up book to Old Destin Through the eyes of a Child, it is a completion to Capt. Ben's autobiography and Destin's early history. Another treasured read for Destin. Get your copy at UPS, or order online from, or Price $18.00 US and CAN.
New Praise from a Reader, 4 o'clock in the morning, by Capt. Ben Marler, Destin
(DESTIN) PRAISE FROM A READER: Manny and I started on the book together this morning. It is wonderful! We love the picture of Capt. Ben on the swing with the caption Jesus will keep you young! All the pictures are wonderful! And the meditations are so well organized and moving. It's amazing! (Dr. Manuel Aparicio IV and Jacquelyne Aparicio, NC)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Fresh As a Sea Breeze Approaches for Sharing Jesus

"Fresh as a sea breeze, 366 daily devotions with approaches to sharing the Gospel from a master Fisherman, Boat Captain, and self-styled Evangelist. Capt. Ben Marler, a name synonymous with Destin, Florida and fishing, will teach anyone how to catch men's souls while sailing you back through a 65 year party boat fishing business. - Heiress Arts Publishers, Createspace" ISBN# 1467952958
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Book Excerpt for 4 o'clock in the morning, by Capt. Ben Marler

FOREWORD (4 o'clock in the morning In a Sleepy Fishing Village Called Destin)
As you start your day in Destin, Florida like many who must be on the road at 5 or 6 a.m., you're likely to see a slew of normal street traffic. Caffeinated commuters, travelers passing through town, buses, scooters, 18 wheelers, local contractors, sheriff, police or highway patrol, and even but especially boat captains and crews of one of the largest charter fishing fleets on the Gulf Coast in the World's "Luckiest" fishing village. Yet, if you venture out two hours earlier, at 3:00 a.m., you may encounter a sleepy or drunk driver. But, at 4:00 - 4:30 a.m., you miraculously find the road all to yourself. And that's when you might look up and notice the incredible shush and the openness of the predawn sky above, and sense the very presence of God.
If you did this about 20 years ago, you would see a white Ford SUV creeping down Highway 98, and pulling into the empty parking lot of St. Andrew's by the Sea Episcopal church. And if you waited 10 minutes, you could go through the heavy oak doors and see my Dad, Capt. Ben Marler, lying on his face before the altar, praising God, praying, singing, and dedicating himself to the Lord's service that day.
“Many times I arrived at the church singing ‘How Great Thou Art‘ or ‘Blessed Assurance.’ Upon reaching the altar I sometimes could hear the hitch hikers slip out into the pre-dawn darkness. Either they didn't like my singing or the Presence of the Lord that came as I sang was a bit too much for them.’
‘My concerns were also for all the boat captains, crew members and their families for I knew first hand how difficult our work was going to be that day, especially if there was bad weather.’
‘Prior to going to the church I "speed read" 10 chapters from the Bible in an hour. I was able since at Sewanee and FSU I was able to take speed reading courses.’
‘It's safe to say I drowned myself with the scriptures....I needed them desperately to minister to my customers all day long.’
‘From the church I went directly to the pier for sometimes some folks had already arrived. After your mom arrived I had time to go up and eat the breakfast Ma had fixed for me.”
After errands to pick up ice, or bait or something last minute that the galley needed he would ride down the hill to the pier to do what he masterfully did. Namely, choreographing deckhands and parking attendants and last minute ticket sales (read: his super efficient wife, Joan)--the morning ritual of taking up to 120 passengers out into the Gulf of Mexico and bringing them safely home, hopefully with a satisfyingly good catch of fish for every paying customer. Or at least giving them an interesting a trip to talk about. He'd begin with, "Folks, listen up.." and a 30 minute fishing lesson that people brought unsaved neighbors to hear. And then brrroom, rrroom, room, ring, ring, ring, slosh, slosh, slosh of the props, three strong warning blasts of the horn, and Emmanuel would be ready to leave the hubbub and chatter of the dock and shore noise and sail into the noise of engine, seagulls, marine band radio, and wind in the ears.
If he had a relief Captain that day, he could run up the hill, and ring-a, ring-a, ring his mother's doorbell and she would greet him excitedly and offer to make him breakfast. After instant coffee, TV news, the front page of the paper, he’d be off to minister, going where God led to divine appointments, checking in with the boat by CB radio and, in later years, by cell phone, and hurry to be back at the dock to greet the boat at 5:00.
Getting up at 4:00 in the morning was the unseen habit of the author. It is not clear whether he developed the habit after four years of military school, or years of obeying the buzzing alarm clock, or if God sent a warbling early bird or a ray of starlight to crack through the heavy blinds of night. But before the blackened sky begins to show its purple majesty and dawn softly pinks the horizon, the Holy Spirit descends from the throne with morning news and headlines. GOD's been up all night, and He's excited to find someone available to share His thoughts and plans; Those ancient personalized plans established for us in the words of Ephesians 2:10:
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works which He has prepared in advance for us to do."
And just as Jesus borrowed the fishermen’s boats to preach to listeners on shore, making them partners in God’s work, He wants to invite YOU to become His disciple, as He did them. Listen. Hear him say, “Come Follow Me, and I will make you Fishers of Men.”
Let's Go Fishing.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
First 25 Copies of "4 o'clock in the morning" by Capt. Ben Marler to be available on Friday, February 10

(Destin) "4 o'clock in the morning In A Sleepy Fishing Village Called Destin," will hit's virtual bookshelves and Capt. Ben's front door at the same time, on Friday, February 10.
This new book is expected to be popular with fans of "Old Destin Through the eyes of a Child" autobiography of one of Destin's most memorable captains, whose family helped settle the town. Old Destin's "Bennie" revealed his take on paradise as the only boy born there in 1938.
"4 o'clock in the morning" is a daily 2-minute devotional penned by the hand of a dedicated evangelist, which reveals both his heart for God and love for people, a combination that makes him "tick." He arises every morning at 4:00 a.m. to spend time with God.
"Like Instant Coffee for the Christian Soulwinner," the Publisher notes, for it "contains devotions for active Christians who want to hit the ground running the race set before them."
Capt. Ben has a vital way with words that inspires the reader to get immediately and actively involved in saving the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He stirs the emotions and makes the Great Commission as simple as following Jesus, telling folks why you love Him.
His message "Jesus Loves You" and "If Jesus Came Today, Would You Be Ready" is a theme literally "set in concrete" of the dock's ramp where he was a professional deep sea fishing boat Captain. People would stop to read the words and still do.
Moving back to Destin in 1963, he helped his parents prosper in their 65 year family business, after earning a degree in business at Florida State University-- a decision that precluded him leaving to become a sales representative, perhaps with an archery sporting goods company.
Old customers and historians of Destin will appreciate the "inside story" of how things were accomplished. A 14 page fishing album that somehow survived Hurricane Opal, will entertain fishermen young and old.
Some may even remember the famous Fishing Lesson. His last boat, Emmanuel, was sold in 1999 to become a whale watching vessel in Virginia Beach, Virginia. So, there is no other way to experience going out with Capt. Ben besides his books.
You might even pick up some good marital advice with a quiz, The Oreo (R) Marriage, and 16 days of Marital Tips from 53 years experience with "the best wife in the world."
Capt. Ben hopes the book will inspire the churches everywhere to get busy saving the lost and not just stay comfortable inside the church houses. To this end, he also shares the actual recipes from home fellowships in the 1970s, and how to fry fish the "Ben Marler Way," topping it off with wife Joan's Baked Beans and Coleslaw, and "Florida Hushpuppies" by his late Aunt Willie Mae Taylor.
With that delicious Destin meal, this book, and a tall glass of Ben's Very Sweet Iced Tea, you can learn how to spirtually feed a multitude.
Jesus's first disciples were fishermen, that he taught how to become fishers of men.
"An Exciting Life Began at 4:00 A.M." reads the back cover. "Folks, go get your Breakfast, and Meet Me Back at the Dock No Later Than 6:30 a.m. And Thousands Did."
And now, you can, too.
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